
About Us: Shemale Dating Hookups

This is the about us page for Shemale Dating Hookups and your webmistress Jackeline. It’s weird to talk about myself in the third person but here goes.

About Us - Shemale Dating Hookups and Webmistress Jackeline.Name: Jackeline
Age: 25
Personal: Pre-Op TS
Height: 5′ 9″
Weight: 136
Location: Houston, Texas
Occupation: Asst. Manager at a nightclub
Hobbies: Karaoke, playing guitar, concerts and pretty much anything music oriented
Likes: Shemales, men and women
Dislikes: When someone has poor personal hygiene

More About Me

I consider myself to be a beautiful shemale woman and take a lot of pride in it. People should be passionate about who they are and what they do, so I try to live that way and especially encourage other shemales to do the same. Being involved and driven are two things that really turn me on, even with myself!

For the most part, I’m an easy going person. You can always count on me for good conversation and a few fun stories about my musical experiences. If you ever need to discuss things going on in your life whether its relationship issues or just a hard day, I am also a great listener. I have been through a lot so I can handle anything you bring me. Good friends know they can count on me to keep personal information between us.

I have an all shemale band here in Houston that I play guitar for.  I know we probably won’t ever get much exposure, but it’s so much fun just to get on stage and play! Jamming with the girls and making some tunes is good for my spirit and it helps me clear my mind. Other times I take the stage doing karaoke and sing my heart out. I have a diverse taste in music so almost anything is good with me as long as it has passion.

As a Shemale Woman…

As a shemale woman I’ve been on a winding road toward becoming who I believe I should have been right from the beginning, but at the moment I’m pretty content at where I am in my life. I intend on having a gender operation at some point, but I’m not in any kind of rush. For the time being, I’m pretty happy with just being me. I started hormones a while ago and have made a pretty successful transition so far so I plan on continuing with that. My main objective is to keep moving forward and see where this voyage takes me. You just never know in this thing we call life!


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